4 Rare Coins That Could Make You Rich – Sell Them Before 2025 Ends!

4 Rare Coins That Could Make You Rich – Sell Them Before 2025 Ends!

Deciding whether to sell any item is a difficult task since you never know where its price will go in the future, thus you never know whether selling it now is the best financial option. This holds for rare coins, equities, real estate, and any other investment.

The distinction is that rare coins practically never lose value, so you don’t have to worry about losing money on them.

The only exception would be if a big, undiscovered hoard of coins is discovered unexpectedly, causing more coins to be released and diluting their total value. This is such a rare event that when it happens, it makes headlines, like when more than 800 Civil War-era gold coins were unearthed in a Kentucky cornfield in 2023.

However, just because rare coins may not pose a significant danger of loss does not indicate that there are no appropriate occasions to sell. This could happen if interest rates rise in a specific sort of coin.

For example, in 2026, the United States will celebrate its 250th birthday. Selling rare bicentennial coins could be a wise decision this year.

Here are four rare coins for sale in 2025.

1976-S Silver Bicentennial Quarter (Regular Strike)

According to the Chronicle Collectibles website, a 1976-S silver quarter in MS68 condition is worth approximately $95. However, standard strike versions, which “lack the mirror-like surface” of proof coins, are much more valuable. One of these models sold for $19,200 in 2019.

1979 Susan B. Anthony Dollar Over 1978 Jefferson Nickel

This coin has recently gained popularity among collectors. It has a minting error, with the picture of Susan B. Anthony stamped over the top of Monticello on a Jefferson nickel. Overstamps are uncommon, to begin with, but this one sticks out since it includes two different years. High-grade specimens have fetched more than $15,000.

Double Denomination Bicentennial Dollar Over Bicentennial Quarter

CoinValueChecker indicates that this Type 4 silver coin was struck in Philadelphia. It contains a mistake in which a 1976 Eisenhower dollar was struck on a 1976 quarter, a rarity worth roughly $28,000.

Double Denomination 1976 Bicentennial Quarter Struck on a Dime

Here’s another mistake coin with two denominations, this time a bicentennial quarter struck on a dime planchet, resulting in a considerably smaller-than-normal quarter. CoinValueChecker reported that one specimen sold for $9,200 in 2020.

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