When KPI Green announced a ₹1,311.40 crore agreement with Coal India, its share price jumped 5% to reach its upper circuit on the BSE. On Thursday, January 30, the business announced a ₹1,311.40 crore agreement with Coal India, which caused the price of KPI Green’s shares to climb 5% and reach its upper circuit in morning trading on the BSE. Compared to its previous closing of 333.30, the price of KPI Green Energy’s shares started at 349.95, a 5% increase. The small-cap power stock was locked at this level at around ten in the morning.
KPI Green Energy Signs A Contract with Coal India:
In an exchange filing on January 30, KPI Green said that it had inked a deal with Coal India to build a 300 MWAC grid-connected ground-mounted solar PV facility at GIPCL’s solar park in Khavda, Gujarat, with five years of operation and maintenance (O&M) services.
We are happy to report that KPI Green Energy Limited and Coal India Limited have successfully entered into a contract to build a 300 MWAC grid-connected ground-mounted solar PV plant at GIPCL’s solar park in Khavda, Gujarat, with five years of operation and maintenance (O&M) services. According to KPI Green, the project is anticipated to be completed by November 2025 and has a contract price of ₹1,311.40 crore.
Meanwhile, KPI Green declared a day ago that it and the Odisha government had inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to create renewable energy parks in the Ganjam district.
Over the past year, the small-cap stock has been muted. The stock has lost around 8% in the past year as of the conclusion of the previous session.
Monthly, the stock has already lost more than 35% of its value in January. It fell to ₹312.95, a 52-week low, on January 29, 2025, the previous session. The stock peaked on August 12 of last year at ₹744.37, its 52-week high.