Early on Thursday, the share price of RailTel Corporation of India increased by more than 4% following the company’s receipt of a sizable order from Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. Shares of RailTel Corporation surged as much as 4.82% on the BSE, peaking at ₹424.50 per.
The telecom infrastructure provider RailTel Corporation announced that Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. had placed an order with them for ₹78.43 crore. In addition to other associated services, the order calls for the implementation of an integrated IT-based security infrastructure.
“…this is to inform that RailTel Corporation of India Ltd (“the Company”) has received the work order from Bharat Coking Coal Limited for Works amounting to Rs. 78,43,30,164 (Including Tax),” RailTel Corporation of India said in a regulatory filing on Wednesday.
The deadline for executing the order is August 28, 2025.
RailTel Corporation share price trend
Shares of RailTel Corporation have dropped 12% over the last six months while gaining more than 3% in a single month. In just one year, the telecom infrastructure stock increased by 20%, and over the years, it has produced multi-bagger returns of over 230%.
Shares of RailTel Corporation were up 2.67% at ₹415.75 each on the BSE at 9:20 AM.